Bis heute halten sich hartnäckige Gerüchte, dass der ehemalige Premier am Abend des 4. November 1995 von seinem Mörder Yigal Amir nur angeschossen worden war und der israelische innere Geheimdienst SHABAK hinterher das Übrige tat.
Mag sein, dass sich derlei Gerüchteküche besonders in der rechten relig. Szene hält. Dennoch werden stetig die gleichen Fragen gestellt:
1. Lab tests showing the lack of gun powder on Amir's hands after the shooting.
2. Witnesses at the scene saying that they heard Rabin's body guards yelling 'blanks, blanks', or 'dummy bullets', - inferring that they may have been told before hand that there would be an exercise.
3. The report of the official investigative commission into the assassination says that the murder occurred some 20 minutes later than thousands of witnesses said it actually happened.
Bodyguards were not in place guarding the prime minister's back as is usually done, and the area where he was to walk to his car was not made sterile, this even though there was belief that the Prime Minister might be targeted for an assassination.
4. Doctors who treated Rabin stated that Rabin's vertebrae were shattered by one of the bullets, yet on the video of the assassination, Rabin turns his head to see where the shot came from and continues to step towards his car.
Weitere mehr als ausführliche Details sowie eine Umfrage der Bevölkerung gibt es hier:
Erstaunlich, dass laut besagter Umfrage der Zeitung MAARIV immerhin 28 % der Israelis der Meinung sind, dass Yigal Amir Rabin nicht umbrachte.
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